Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Reverse Heart Disease in 24 Days..... (7)

Day seven - the job is not complete, not yet. It is time to take at least nine servings of fruit and vegetables a day. Yes, I know you were told five, but now we are talking about heart disease reversal, so we need to turn the ante up, five helpings will just not cut it. Cruciferous vegetables like kale, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and broccoli should be a mainstay as these contain generous amounts of anti oxidants and various heart nourishing and repairing phytonutrients. So take your time in the vegetable market or vegetable produce section today and select fruit and vegetables to cover all the colours of the rainbow. Enjoy.....

To your abundant excellent health,

Dr Ike
Holistic Health Coach and Functional Health Expert.


Duke University Center for Integrative Medicine

Prevention: http://www.prevention.com/health/health/health-concerns/reverse-heart-disease-in-24-days/article

Juice Yourself Slim by Jason Vale

7lbs in 7 Days Super Juice Diet by Jason Vale

Monday, 19 September 2011

Reverse Heart Disease in 24 Days..... (6)

Sixth day in - and it is time to juice up! This is simple, quick and SO easy to do - but packs a big, highly nutritious punch, with numerous healthy benefits. Juice whole organic fruits and vegetables, waste nothing, all the benefits are obtained this way - enzymes, nutrients, minerals, vitamins you name it, you will get it. Experiment, have fun, create recipes, use fruits and vegetables of all the colours of the rainbow - red, green, violet, blue, yellow etc. Some of the numerous benefits?

Oranges for example contain folate which helps to reduce the levels of homocysteine in the blood - a known heart risk blood marker. Grape juicing releases flavonoids and resveratrol, both powerful anti oxidants that seem to discourage red blood cell clumping and artery blockage leading to heart attack and numerous circulatory problems. Vegetables like broccoli contain essential potassium and magnesium for optimal heart and circulatory health. Juicing is also an easy way of starting the life long process of increasing your fruit and vegetable intake, an crucial ingredient in your quest to living a long, healthy and happy life, while reducing reliance on animal protein for the bulk of your protein intake. Aim for up to eighty percent or more of your nutrition to be plant based. This is beneficial for both us and the planet called Earth in various ways. So start juicing up today, and watch your energy levels, health and well being soar!

To your abundant excellent health,

Dr Ike
Holistic Health Coach and Functional Health Expert


Duke University Center for Integrative Medicine

Prevention: http://www.prevention.com/health/health/health-concerns/reverse-heart-disease-in-24-days/article

Juice Yourself Slim by Jason Vale

7lbs in 7 Days Super Juice Diet by Jason Vale

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Reverse Heart Disease in 24 Days..... (5)

Fifth day, and I hope you like fish - especially oily fish. If not, you need a credible alternative, like flax seed oil or krill. Why? It is because omega 3 fatty acids, so necessary for heart and circulatory health - indeed the health of all the cells of the body - are available from oily fish like salmon, cod, mackerel, sardines and anchovies. Cod liver oil is another alternative, and is available in various forms, including odourless capsules. So no more excuses for those who turned up their noses at cod liver oil as children! Remember, eating one oily fish serving a week can reduce the risk of death from heart disease by up to a staggering fifty two percent. It is time to bite into that fish and swallow - if not, make sure you take a proper substitute, starting today.....

To your abundant excellent health,

Dr Ike
Holistic Health Coach and Functional Health Expert


Duke University Center for Integrative Medicine

Prevention: http://www.prevention.com/health/health/health-concerns/reverse-heart-disease-in-24-days/article

Benefits of saturated fats http://www.stop-trans-fat.com/benefits-of-saturated_fats.html

Monday, 5 September 2011

Reverse Heart Disease in 24 Days..... (4)

Rough up your food intake - Day Four

Right, the fourth day of your quest to reverse or prevent heart disease is here, what do you do? It is time to rough up your food intake! No, no beating your food up, no matter how tempted you are! I simply mean it is time to take some more fibre - roughage.Research has revealed the more roughage you eat, the lower the risk of a heart attack. Fibre should be introduced gradually to help reduce the likelihood of stomach upset and wind - which could be embarrassing. Just reduce the amount of fibre eaten if these symptoms occur and gradually build your intake up, as tolerated. Whole grain bread, cereals like bran, oats, wheat bran - if you are not gluten intolerant, fresh vegetables and fruits, beans are all excellent sources of roughage, aiding elimination and detoxification. Try to ensure you eat between 25 -35 grams a day of fibre. You are now well on your way to reducing your risk of heart attack by 60 per cent. Just twenty more days to go......

To your abundant excellent health,

Dr Ike
Holistic Health Coach and Functional Health Expert


Duke University Center for Integrative Medicine

Prevention: http://www.prevention.com/health/health/health-concerns/reverse-heart-disease-in-24-days/article