Monday, 9 April 2012

Reverse Heart Disease in 24 Days..... (9)

Hi all,

After a long hiatus, I am back! Without wasting any more time, let me dive straight in to what you can change on day 9 in your quest to reverse heart disease ASAP....
Change what you spread on your bread. Better yet, change the type of bread you eat. But first things first - do away with margarine immediately. Margarine is full of dangerous trans fat, a confirmed killer and bringer of heart disease. Stop using it NOW. Butter is a much better and healthier option, especially truly organic butter.

Contrary to popular advice, saturated fats are an important part of a balanced nutritional intake, and have anti inflammatory properties. If you doubt this, see the documented evidence for the benefits of saturated fats here: Why not try avocado on bread? I find it delicious - and it contains beneficial saturated fats and other nutrients. Natural honey, preferably straight from the bee hive, is also another option. Also, you can make your own peanut butter paste rather than relying on shop bought peanut butter, atleast you know the ingredients then.

Now to bread. The best option is to make your own bread - it is quicker and easier than you think! Notice I wrote make rather than bake. I will go into the difference soon, so keep reading! But to give you a hint, think gourmet fresh...
Failing that, the bread should be as whole grain or as brown as possible. The browner or more whole grain, the lower the GI (glycaemic index) and so the healthier the bread is. Watch out also for sugar and salt content, as well as other additives. The less of these, the better. Make these changes, and watch your cholesterol levels drop.....

To your abundant excellent health,

Dr Ike,
Holistic Health Coach and Functional Health Expert.


Duke University Center for Integrative Medicine


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