Monday, 27 December 2010

Could Vit B 6 cut the risk of lung cancer?

Could Vitamin B6 along with the amino acid methionine reduce the risk of lung cancer? A large European study involving over four hundred thousand people in ten countries over eight years seems to suggest this -even in smokers. I am not suggesting anyone should light up in celebration however. Smoking is a habit which has caused great suffering, not just in those who have smoked, but also among their countless loved ones who have had to suffer and bury the smokers, once lung cancer and chronic lung disease due to smoking had finally finished them off. Not a nice scenario.

In any case, the researchers repeated the sage advice that stopping - or better yet never starting - smoking remained the best preventer of lung cancer. They also said that healthier lifestyles could account for their results. The take home message for me is that a balanced nutritional intake is a key ally in the fight against cancer. So if your nutrition is not what it should be, educate yourself and change your eating patterns - starting today. And stop smoking, using all means necessary.

Sources: BBC Health, Journal of the American Medical Association - JAMA

To your abundant health,

Dr Ike
Functional Health Expert and Health Coach.

Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Could whole fat milk and cheese LOWER diabetes risk?

That is what a research paper in the prestigious December 2010 Annals of Internal Medicine has reported after a large cohort study. Now usually the larger a study - all things being equal - the more reliable the data collected. The incidence of type two diabetes fell significantly as the levels of the fatty acid trans- palmitoleic acid - found in whole fat dairy products -increased.  In fact, adults with the highest levels of this fatty acid  had a sixty per cent lower incidence of diabetes when compared to those with the lowest levels. Higher levels of trans - palmitoleic were also associated with better metabolic profiles on lab testing. In other words, those with the highest levels of this fatty acid in this study were healthier than those with lower levels. It must be said, however that this is an association,  a direct causal relationship has not yet been definitively established. No doubt, further research is required. So should we  consume whole fat milk and cheese? Why not? Taken in sensible proportions as part our balanced nutritional requirements, the data has shown benefit. I take cheese and lactose free milk sensibly - and enjoy them too. So add these to your nutritional intake - after consultation with your doctor or/and certified nutritionist of course. Discuss this study with them, you both might learn something!

Sources: Annals of Internal Medicine December 2010, Med Page Today.

To your abundant health,

 Dr Ike
 Functional Health Expert and Health Coach

Thursday, 16 December 2010

Have you experienced side effects with medication?

Hi everyone,

Have you taken medication - even over the counter drugs and experienced any side effects? Did you report these to your doctor? Did you get a satisfactory response? If you did, all well and good. But now if you got a satisfactory response or not, you can report your side effects to the bodies responsible for the regulation of medication in Europe and the United States. The EU passed a new law in September this year to enforce this. In the UK, the MHRA has an online reporting system:  - the online Yellow Card system. In the USA, the FDA has the MedWatch system online also -

In other countries, there are various mechanisms to report unwanted  effects of medication - contact your local health authorities, do not take no for an answer. One good reason to report these side effects is for statistical reasons. Such statistics can be helpful in make informed decisions - like stopping the prescription of harmful drugs, or helping with research, decisions on where to intelligently and rationally target scarce medical resources, to mention  a few. So get reporting today - it just might save a life and reduce misery. Also, before I forget - please pass this information on to your loved ones and friends.

To your abundant health,

Dr Ike,
Functional Health Expert.

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Cherries key to fight against diabetes?

Hi gals and guys,

Dr Ike once again! I am moving on to talk briefly about  an antioxidant supplement you might soon see in a health store near you - found naturally in cherries - called anthocyanins. Why ? Michigan State University  research people found that this compound helped to lower the blood levels of glucose by increasing insulin production by as much as 50 per cent. This may be useful in those with reduced production of insulin, but the story of diabetes mellitus is much more complex than that. Nevertheless, anthocyanins may be of use in preventing type 2 diabetes, and have been found to help protect against cancer and heart disease. So get chewing those cherries lol! Seriously, there is more research ongoing, but watch this space.

The study was published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.

To your abundant health,

Dr Ike
Functional Health Expert.

A Vitamin Deficiency Common in Diabetes

Diabetes is a disease which has widespread effects on the body, and one common vitamin deficiency associated with it is Vitamin D. A 2006 medical study published in Diabetes Care has shown that a staggering THREE out of five diabetics have cholecalciferol (Vitamin D ) deficiency. The way Vitamin D is used by the body is now much better understood than previously, and this vitamin has been found to have more widespread effects than previously thought, not just on bone, calcium and phosphate metabolism. So if you are diabetic or know someone who is, ask them if they have had their Vitamin D levels checked recently. My partner Dr Kem has also been checkinng her patients, and quite a few have had low Vitamin D levels -both diabetics and non diabetics. Symptoms they are having  disappear when the patients are placed on quality Vitamin D supplements. Notice I said QUALITY supplements. So if you are having some symptoms that your doctor has not been able to sort out, feel run down, are overweight or obese, get your Vitamin D levels checked out - you never know. Do you want to know where and how you can choose quality Vitamin D supplements if you need them? Read my next blog entry.

To your abundant health,

Dr Ike
Functional Health Expert.

Friday, 3 December 2010

Do you have a granite countertop in your kitchen?

Hi gals and guys,

Are you in love with granite? Quite a few of us, including me,  ooh and aah over this beautiful rock. Some of us even have the imported varieties from Namibia and Brazil in our beautiful kitchens (not guilty!)  However, your beautiful granite countertop, your pride and joy MAY be harming you and your loved ones
- as research has revealed that they may be contaminated  by dangerous radioactive uranium - yes, the same chemical found in nuclear waste and used in atomic bombs. The Environmental Protection Agency in the US has been fielding reports from envirnmental inspectors about the levels of uranium in granite countertops. So you may need to get that lovely granite top checked - you never know. A call to your local environmental department should get the ball rolling.

To your abundant health,

Dr Ike
Functional Health Expert.

Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Arsenic Exposure Link to Diabetes?

Hi guys,

This is the second installment in the toxicity theme -this time I am reporting the possible link between arsenic and the development of diabetes investigated by researchers from John Hopkins. 
Dr. Ana Navas-Acien at John Hopkins has reported a FOUR FOLD, yes 400 per cent increase in the risk of diabetes in 788 adults involved in the study who had low levels of arsenic - which has been used in rat poison - in their urine. They were compared with people who had even lower urinary levels of arsenic. Now previous  research has linked HIGH levels of arsenic to diabetes, but researchers were wondering if low levels were also linked to diabetes - and how low - hence this newer study. Dissolving of minerals containing arsenic can occur naturally and can then become detectible in our water supply. It can also occur as a pollutant as a result of  industrial contamination from copper smelting and coal burning. Now seafood also contains arsenic, but usually in a non toxic organic form. Anyway, the researchers adjusted their data to account for this fact -but still found that people with diabetes had arsenic levels 26 per cent higher compared to subjects free from diabetes. The article is available in the seventh issue of the JAMA magazine in 2008.

Friday, 26 November 2010

Pesticide exposure link to Type 2 Diabetes?

Hi,  Dr Ike blogging again!

Today I am taking a different tack  and  talking toxicity. Can pesticide exposure possibly lead to type 2 diabetes - of which there are already over 171 million sufferers world wide (WHO  estimates)? Dr Ike, are you spreading scare stories? Well, when the prestigious Cambridge University and the respected medical journal Lancet are mentioned in the same breath, I tend to sit up and take notice - and so should you! But even more importantly,. that is exactly what the researchers were saying - that persistent organic pollutants (POPS) seem to be linked to insulin resistance, a forerunner of type 2 diabetes. Pesticides containing DDT, dieldrin, toxaphene, chlordane, chemical products and by products such as PCBs, dioxins and furans are examples of POPS - and we are not talking about fathers, USA people! But seriously, this is something that warrants serious investigation. The article by Cambridge researchers Jones and Griffin is called   "Environmental pollution and diabetes: A neglected  relationship"  and is available in the Lancet journal. - research to establish a definitive link, if any, is ongoing, so watch this space!

To your abundant health,

Dr Ike
Functional Health Expert.

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

The supplements you are taking - is it money down the drain? Part 2

Hi guys - Dr Ike again. Today, the blog will be short - today was an especiallly busy day for me. Anyway, cracking on.....
As I said yesterday, there are nutrients widely used in supplements that interfere with the absorption of other nutrients, MAGNESIUM OXIDE is one such nutrient. But what nutrients does it interfere with their absorption? These will all be revealed when you read my ebook on the subject of supplements and more.... You will find out about the role of stomach acidity, some interesting, little known facts about Recommended Daily Allowance - RDAs, absorption curves and their importance explained in simple, every day language and much more....
Well, thats all for today - I will be back tomorrow with more functional health information.

To your abundant health,

Dr Ike
Functional Health Expert.

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

The supplements you are taking - is it money down the drain?

Hi guys,

A quick question - are you wasting time and money taking junk supplements? To put it another way - how effective are the supplements you are using, or is it money pouring down the drain - literally? The answer to these questions lies in the QUALITY of such supplements. But what determines the quality of nutritional supplements you rightly ask, because this is not a simple matter? I will outline this below.

The first and most important thing is the ability of the supplement to dissolve in water. If a supplement does not dissolve readily in water, then there is little chance of adequate absorption in the stomach or upper small intestine - the jejuneum to be precise. There is a short opportunity as food moves through the stomach and upper jejuneum for absorption of vitamins and minerals to occur. After this point, absorption is effectively zero. So what is the problem, you might say? Think about this - suppose the supplements are formulated such that absorption during the narrow window mentioned above is affected? But why would the manufacturing companies do that, you ask - it would affect their profits adversely? Aha - but not in the way you think, because you have to KNOW exactly what they are doing, and why.

Now back to dissolving properties of supplements.Coatings on supplements determine the life span of the product and hence the profit margin. A lot of them however have a coating that does not dissolve adequately in a timely manner for absorption to take place in the upper jejuneum -so it does not matter how useful the nutrients you are taking are in theory, because practically to all intents and purposes they are unavailable to the cells of the body. No absorption, no use to the body. So they pass out of the body as waste matter. But what a waste! The story does not end there, however.

When I look at health supplement packaging nowadays, I also look for the types of EXCIPIENTS present in the formulation of the supplements. What are those, you ask? Simply put, excipients are what are used to hold the supplements together by the manufacturer. Without these, the supplement will remain in a powder form - not usually the form in which you take your supplements. Powder form is an exception to the rule - just take a look around when you next buy your supplements. They are usually in form of tablets,capsules or solutions.
Now read this carefully - the most important property of your supplement is the NUTRIENT AVAILABILITY to the body. But how does this tie in with excipients in supplements? In this way -excipients also determine stability and SHELF LIFE -a prime focus of nutritional companies, as it affects their profits. The longer supplements last before they expire, the greater their profits. This is all fine and dandy, but at what cost to YOU and your health? Take out those supplements and have a look for some of these excipients:

DI-CALCIUM PHOSPHATE -This INHIBITS - yes you read that right - the absorption of mineral nutrients. It is a very common excipient.

MICROCRYSTALLINE CELLULOSE is another common bulking agent or excipient. This dangerous compound when taken over an extended period can cause microinfarcts leading to cell and tissue death all over the body. Cellulose is normally not digestible, but in this microform, can be passively absorbed into the bloodstream from the gut. Humans cannot metabolize or eliminate cellulose, so it accumulates in small blood vessels, eventuallly blocking them and leading to the death of the cells supplied by the blood vessels.

Next is CARRAGEENAN which gradually causes cell damage over an extended period.

That is all for today -  tomorrow I will talk about some NUTRIENTS, yes you read that right - that can interfere with the absorption of other nutrients when taken together. Until then, stay well !

To your abundant health,

Dr Ike
Functional Health and Health Coaching Expert.